Forerunners in Sustainable Investments: What we can learn from Scandinavian Investors

9th September 2021WebinarOnline

Sustainable Investing is high on the agenda of most investors. Scandinavian investors - public, private and institutional - seem to lead the charge both in terms of relative volume and being early to commit to new products, be it general ESG strategies, green bonds or sustainable investments in emerging markets. Get first-hand insights and trends from our Head of responsAbility Nordics.

You will learn: - Why have the Nordics come so far in this field? - What can other countries and investors learn from the Nordics here, both in terms of successes and failures? - Can the Nordics stay in the lead or are others catching up?

Watch the webinar recording on our Youtube Channel

Event Details

Thursday, 9th September 2021
12:00 - 12:30 UTC+00:00

Event Program

Column 1
14:00Scandinavian insights and trends
14:28Wrap-up and tips to get started

Meet the Speakers

Profile photo of speaker Balder Vestad

Balder Vestad

Head of responsAbility Nordics, responsAbility

Balder has 9 years experience in the financial sector and joined responsAbility 5 years ago, now heading up the Nordics office. Prior to responsAbility he was with DNB Bank, responsible for every aspect of the relationship with large foundations and international organizations. He worked and studied in 7 different countries across 4 continents. Balder is a firm believer in the mutual causality (not exclusivity) between financial growth and social impact.

Profile photo of speaker Samuel Baumgartner

Samuel Baumgartner

Head of Wholesale, responsAbility

Samuel is the head of wholesale distribution at responsAbility overseeing the fund-distribution network. He is also a frequent keynote speaker on sustainable and impact investing topics. Prior to his time at responsAbility, he worked with an investment advisory in Peru and Chile matching investors with local private equity opportunities. Samuel holds a bachelor degree in business administration and is working on his masters in finance focusing on sustainable finance at the University of Zürich.